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Mon Evening Meditation (Full Moon)

Date(s) - Wednesday, January 1, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Pranic Healing Centre

You are invited to join a group of meditators & spiritual aspirants on 2 Monday evenings a month for 1.5hrs. (the two Mondays closest to the full moon)

Time: 7pm to 8.30 pm.


The evening will begin with a short talk on one of many spiritual topics taught in Pranic Healing. Each session will have a different content & focus so you can attend all or any of these evenings.
Then we will use one of the Pranic Healing Meditations- Twin Hearts, Blue Pearl or The Lord’s Prayer Meditation *Twin Hearts Meditation read more*

Theme: How to integrate spiritual principles into our day-to-day life It will be a beautiful opportunity to practice & deepen our meditation practice together & share our experiences

Venue: Here at the Pranic Healing Centre in Newmarket & you are welcome to bring a friend

Cost: Thank you for all contributions to keep these events free

I hope you can join me. If you have any questions please call.

Blessings Fara

For the full moon meditations, we will begin by harnessing the power of the Full Moon to flush out negative and stressful energies from our body, aura & chakras to be better channels for Blessing Mother Earth.

Then we will meditate as one using Master Choa Kok Sui’s Meditation On Twin Hearts, to bless every person, every being, every country and continent with Divine Light, Love and Power.

We will also channel these Blessings to our individual families, relationships and our projects. These projects may be health, relationships, business or financial and when blessed during this meditation it will facilitate their rapid & proper materialization.

We invite you to join in the powerful healing experience. These meditations are offered twice a month

NO PRIOR PAYMENT OR BOOKING REQUIRED – ALL WELCOME just turn up & donations appreciated.

Bookings are closed for this event.

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